"वार्सा सम्झौता" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा Bishaldev100 द्वारा वार्सा सन्धि संगठन पृष्ठलाई वार्सा प्याक्ट मा सारियो
पङ्क्ति ११:
=== सदस्यहरू ===
* {{Falgicon|Albania|1946}} [[ पीपुल्स सोशलिस्ट रिपब्लिक अल्बानिया |Albania]] (withheld support in 1961 because of the [[ सोभियत-अल्बेनियाली विभाजन |Soviet-Albanian split]], but formally withdrew in 1968)
communist governments:
*  Bulgaria<ref name="history.com">{{Cite web|url=https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-warsaw-pact-is-formed|title=The Warsaw Pact is formed - May 14, 1955 - HISTORY.com|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20180818203116/https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-warsaw-pact-is-formed|archivedate=18 August 2018|accessdate=23 August 2018}}</ref>
*  Czechoslovakia
* {{flagicon|Albania|1946}} [[:en:People's_Socialist_Republic_of_Albania|Albania]] (१९६१ मा सोबियत-अल्बानिया विभाजन को कारण समर्थन फिर्ता, १९६८ मा औपचारिक रुपमा फिर्ता)
* {{देश झन्डा|East Germany}} (withdrew on 2 October 1990 prior to [[ जर्मन पुनर्मिलन |German reunification]])
*  Bulgaria{{flagcountry|PRB}}<ref name="history.com">{{Citecite web|url=https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-warsaw-pact-is-formed|title=The Warsaw Pact is formed - May 14, 1955 - HISTORY.com|archiveurlarchive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180818203116/https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-warsaw-pact-is-formed|archivedatearchive-date=18 August 2018|accessdate=23 August 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>
*  Hungary (temporarily withdrew from 1–4 November 1956 during the [[ १ 195 66 को हंगेरी क्रान्ति |Hungarian Revolution]])
* {{flagcountry|CSR}}<ref name="history.com" />
*  Poland
* {{flag|East Germany}} (२ अक्टोबर १९९० मा [[:en:German_reunification|जर्मन पुन एकीकरण]] पछी बाहिर )<ref name="history.com" />
*  Romania
* {{flagcountry|HPR}} (हंगेरी क्रान्तिको समयमा १-४ नोबेम्बर १९५६ को समयमा अस्थाई रुपमा बाहिर<ref name="history.com" />
* {{देश झन्डा|Soviet Union}}
* {{flagcountry|PPR}}<ref name="history.com" />
* {{flagcountry|RSR}}<ref name="history.com" />
* {{flag|Soviet Union}}<ref name="history.com" />
=== पर्यवेक्षक ===