"जर्मनी राष्ट्रिय फुटबल टोली" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा रोबोट: रिडाइरेक्टहरू मिलाउँदै
Replacing Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg with File:Flag_of_Germany_(1867–1919).svg (by CommonsDelinker because: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error) · This flag was also the flag of the N
पङ्क्ति ४३:
| socks2 = 0BA6A6
| First game = {{fb|Switzerland}} ५-३ जर्मनी {{flagicon image|Flag of theGermany German Empire(1867–1919).svg}}<br>([[बसेल]], [[स्विट्जरल्याण्ड|स्विट्जरल्यान्ड]] ; ५ अप्रिल १९०८)<ref name="First game">{{cite web |url=http://www.dfb.de/index.php?id=500395&no_cache=1&action=showMatchesByYear&lang=E&liga=Nationalmannschaft&year=1908&cHash=6854a10c202d81c907c2a45218db5c32 |title=All matches of The National Team in 1908 |publisher = [[German Football Association|DFB]] |accessdate=1 August 2008}}</ref>
| Largest win = {{flagicon image|Flag of theGermany German Empire(1867–1919).svg}} जर्मनी १६-० {{fb-rt|Russia}}<br>([[स्टकहोम]], [[स्वीडेन]]; १ जुलाई १९१२)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.dfb.de/index.php?id=500395&no_cache=1&action=showMatchesByYear&lang=E&liga=Nationalmannschaft&year=1912&cHash=f675778cce143a221a74a4982d7ef31d |title=All matches of The National Team in 1912 |publisher=DFB |accessdate=1 August 2008}}</ref>
| Largest loss = {{flagicon image|Flag of England.svg}} [[:en:England national amateur football team|इङ्ग्ल्याण्ड युवा]] ९-० जर्मनी {{flagicon image|Flag of theGermany German Empire(1867–1919).svg}}<br>([[अक्सफोर्ड]], [[बेलायत]]; १३ मार्च १९०९)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.dfb.de/index.php?id=500395&action=showMatchesByYear&lang=E&liga=Nationalmannschaft&year=1909&cHash=a80eadb1fb |title=All matches of The National Team in 1909 |publisher=DFB |accessdate=1 August 2008}}</ref><ref>Note that this match is not considered to be a full international by the [[The Football Association|English FA]], and does not appear in the records of the [[England national football team|England team]]</ref>
| World cup apps = १८
| World cup first = १९३४