"बस्न्यात परिवार" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

This page may contain English-language content that should be translated into Nepali.
कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
चिनोहरू: मोबाइल सम्पादन मोबाइल वेब सम्पादन
पङ्क्ति १:
{{About|ऐतिहासिक बस्न्यात शासकहरू|नेपाली थर|बस्न्यात}}
The "Basnyat" or "Basnet" surname belongs to a family of Nepalese nobility. They are considered to be one of the original noble courtier (Bhardar) families of [[नेपाल|Nepal]] along with [[पाण्डे|Pandeys]] and [[थापा|Thapas]]. The '''Basnyats or [[बस्नेत|Basnets]]''' are of pure Hindu [[क्षत्री|Kshatriya]] or varna origin. Kshatriya or varna are also called [[क्षेत्री|Chhetri]] cast in Nepal and India. It is said that they migrated into western Nepal quiet early along with the majority of the early Khas migration. Basnets were migrated to current Nepal from Uttarakhand and Himachal State of current India during 15th to 19th Century and few afterwards. Currently many of the Basnets/Basnyats are found in Nepal and Indian States i.e. Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal, West Bengal, Assam, and Manipur as well as in Bhutan and Myanmar. Majority of Basnets speak Nepalese language as mother tongue. Although these days, Basnets specially of Dehradun area of Uttarakhand and Himachal state of India speak Hindi as mother tongue.
{{Infobox noble house
[[चित्र:Kirtiman_Singh_Basnyat.jpg|thumb|[[कीर्तिमान् सिँह बस्न्यात|Kirtiman Singh Basnyat]], Nepali Army general, a noble Basnet Bhardar]]
|native_name= बस्न्यात काजी खलक/बस्न्यात काजी वंश
|other_name= बस्न्यात भारदार परिवार
|type= [[भारदार परिवार]]
|country= [[नेपाल]]
|estates =[[तिलङ्गा घर]]
|titles = [[काजी]]
|styles= काजी साहेब, [[बस्न्यात काजी]]
|founder= [[शिवराम सिंह बस्न्यात]]
|founded= १८ औं शताब्दी
|final ruler= [[वीरध्वज बस्न्यात]]
|deposition = वि.सं. १९०३
|ethnicity = [[खस]] [[क्षेत्री]]
|cadet branches=
|religion = [[हिन्दु]]
|clan= कुलघरान: [[श्रीपाली बस्नेत]]<br> गोत्र:[[भारद्वाज]] गोत्र
[[File:Abhiman Singh Basnet.jpg|thumb|काजी [[अभिमान सिंह बस्न्यात]], बस्न्यात वंशका महानायक]]
'''बस्न्यात काजी खलक''' वा '''बस्न्यात काजी वंश''' वा '''बस्न्यात भारदार परिवार''' नेपाली राजनैतिक पृष्ठभूमिको एक वंश हो । यो वंश [[क्षत्रिय]] वर्णको नेपाली [[क्षेत्री]] जातिहरूको परिवार थियो र यिनीहरूको सम्बन्ध [[पाँडे वंश]]सँग लामो समयसम्म रह्यो । सेनापति बडावीर [[शिवराम सिंह बस्न्यात]] [[श्रीपाली बस्नेत]] घरानाका उच्चनीय भारदार थिए । उनका वंशहरूले भारदारी सेवामा जीवनयापन गरे । यस वंशका पुरुष व्यक्तित्वहरूलाई '''[[बस्न्यात काजी]]''' भनी सम्बोधन गरिन्छ। बस्न्यात वंशको उदय गोरखाका राजा [[पृथ्वीनारायण शाह]]को पालाबाट सुरू भएको थियो । पछि [[कालु पाँडे]]को परिवारसँग [[पृथ्वीनारायण शाह]]को पालामा यस परिवारको जोडदार सम्बन्ध बन्यो ।
[[File:Shivaram Singh Basnyat.jpg|thumb|सेनापति बडावीर [[शिवराम सिंह बस्न्यात]]]]
यस परिवारका तीन पुरुषहरू मूलकाजी भएका थिए - [[अभिमान सिंह बस्न्यात]], [[कीर्तिमान् सिँह बस्न्यात]] र [[बख्तावर सिंह बस्न्यात]] ।
The "Basnyat" or "Basnet" surname belongs to a family of Nepalese nobility. They are considered to be one of the original noble courtier (Bhardar) families of [[नेपाल|Nepal]] along with [[पाण्डे|Pandeys]] and [[थापा|Thapas]]. The '''Basnyats or [[बस्नेत|Basnets]]''' are of pure Hindu [[क्षत्री|Kshatriya]] or varna origin. Kshatriya or varna are also called [[क्षेत्री|Chhetri]] cast in Nepal and India. It is said that they migrated into western Nepal quiet early along with the majority of the early Khas migration. Basnets were migrated to current Nepal from Uttarakhand and Himachal State of current India during 15th to 19th Century and few afterwards. Currently many of the Basnets/Basnyats are found in Nepal and Indian States i.e. Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal, West Bengal, Assam, and Manipur as well as in Bhutan and Myanmar. Majority of Basnets speak Nepalese language as mother tongue. Although these days, Basnets specially of Dehradun area of Uttarakhand and Himachal state of India speak Hindi as mother tongue.
[[चित्र:Kirtiman_Singh_Basnyat.jpg|thumb|[[कीर्तिमान् सिँह बस्न्यात|Kirtiman Singh Basnyat]], Nepaliनेपालको Armyमूलकाजी general(प्रधानमन्त्रीसरह), a nobleबस्न्यात Basnetपरिवारका Bhardarभारदार]]
There are following types of Basnyats/Basnets in Nepal and India. The Shreepali (Saipali, Sirupali/Sripali) Basnyats/Basnets are from Gorkha. The Khaptadi (Khaptari/Khabatari) Basnyat/Basnet of [[खप्तड राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज|Khaptad]]. The Khulal Basnyats/Basnets, [[बस्नेत|Lamichhane]] Basnyat/Basnet are from Lamichhana, the Balami Basnyats, etcs. The surname Basnyat/Basnet is now used interchangeably by all these clans.