विकिपिडिया:विकिपीडिया१० कार्यक्रम

विकिपिडिया १० खुला विश्वकोष विकीपीडियाको दशौं बार्षिकोत्सव हो। यो १५ डिसेम्बर २०११ का दिन विश्वभर मनाइँदैछ। यसका लागि विश्वका ९७ देशमा ४११ समारोहहरू आयोजना गरिँदैछ। नाफारहित स्वतन्त्र खुला विश्वकोशको रूपमा सन् २००१को जनवरी १५मा जिम्मी वेल्स र लारी स्यान्गरले यसको सुरूवात गरेका थिए। हाल विश्वका प्रायःजसो सबै भाषामा करोडौं लेखहरू संग्रहीत छन्। नेपाली भाषामा भनें विकिपिडियाको सुरुवात सन् २००४ देखि भएको हो।

१५ जनवरी २०११
इन्जिनियरिङ अध्ययन संस्थान, पुल्चोक क्याम्पस
दिउसो १ बजे देखि (कार्यक्रम निश्चित समयमा सुरू हुनेछ।)

यही जनवरी १५ २००१ का दिन विश्व समुदायले विकीपिडीयाको दशौं बार्षिकोत्सव मनाउँदैछ। यो बार्षिकोत्सवको उपलक्ष्यमा हामीले पनि कार्यक्रम राखेका छौं। इन्जिनियरिङ अध्ययन संस्थान, पुल्चोक क्याम्पसमा हुने यो कार्यक्रम भव्य रूपमा सफल पार्न सबैलाई अनुरोध गर्दछौं।

विशेष आमन्त्रित सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

  • तुलसी दिवस, भाषाविद् तथा साहित्यकार
  • सुलोचना मानन्धर, नेपाल प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठान
  • लोचन लाल अमात्य- अध्यक्ष IT Professional Forum (ITPF)
  • केदार शर्मा, सञ्चारकर्मी
  • डा. युकेश रञ्जित(नेपाली विकीपिडीयाको अग्रदूत)
  • इन्दिवर बडाल(नेपाली विकीपिडीयाको अग्रदूत)

सम्पर्क व्यक्तिहरू सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

यसमा सहभागी हुन तपाँइपनि इच्छुक हुनुहुन्छ भनें यहाँ भन्दा तल आफ्नो विवरण थप्दै जानुहोला। (तपाँइको परिचय दिने, twitter, faceboook, व्यक्तिगत वेवपेज आदि भएमा उल्लेख गर्नुहोला।)

Notice: Please bring your Laptop or Notebook. We will have parallel Live Wikipedia-Contribution Section.

  1. Subash Dharel
  2. Prakash Timilsina(JTPL)
  3. Sujit Maharjan
  4. Gaurab Lama
  5. Pratik Man Singh Pradhan
  6. Uddhab Chaulagain
  7. Pravash raut
  8. Kanchan Duwadi
  9. Suraj Sapkota (JTPL)
  10. Manish Modi (JTPL)
  11. Dhruba Adhikari (JTPL)
  12. Ram Limbu (D2HS) (khajum007@gmail.com)
  13. Arvind Sah (JTPL)
  14. Laxman Kasula (JTPL)
  15. Kanchan Rai (JTPL)
  16. Amit Agrawal (JTPL)
  17. Lakesh Kansakar
  18. Sankalp Karn
  19. Subodh Raj Satyal (UTPL)
  20. Nitesh Rijal
  21. Lochan Acharya
  22. Sudip Bhattrai
  23. Amit Bajracharya
  24. Rijendra Shakya
  25. Prabin Dahal
  26. rupak shrestha
  27. Sujan Karanjeet
  28. Manohar Khatri
  29. Dinesh Dhakal
  30. Adeel Manandhar
  31. Santosh Ghimire
  32. Rabi Bhattarai
  33. Prasun Shrestha
  34. Ritu Raj Lamsal
  35. Rohan G. Baidya
  36. Cyabari Shrestha
  37. Om B. Khadka
  38. Nischal Tuladhar
  39. Nirmal Gyanwali
  40. Jitendra Harlalka
  41. Ankur Sharma
  42. Kalendra Bikram Shahi
  43. Amar maharaj Rautela Pal
  44. Gagan singh Suryabansi Rajput
  45. Utsav Shrestha
  46. Vivek Bhusal
  47. Dambar Raj Paudel, WN
  48. Malati Thapa, WN
  49. Nisha Lamichhane, WN
  50. Shree Krishna Shrestha, WN
  51. Anil Aryal
  52. Rishikesh Dhakal
  53. Robin Rai
  54. Ajit Thakali
  55. Beck Sharma
  56. Vinod Bhandari
  57. राजेन्द्र सुबेदी
  58. Narkaji Gurung
  59. Biraj Upadhyaya
  60. Bishnu Bhandari
  61. Ganesh Paudel - विकिमिडिया नेपाल
  62. Ajit Thakali
  63. Pabitra Gurung
  64. Rabin Dhital
  65. Swapnil Acharya
  66. D. Gautam
  67. उज्ज्वल लामिछाने
  68. Shantira Dahal
  69. Rabin Acharya,KEC
  70. Ambarish Pokhrel (ambarishpokhrelATgmailDOTcom)
  71. Dipesh Raj
  72. Anjan Shrestha
  73. Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
  74. Bikram Adhikari
  75. Hempal Shrestha - विकिमिडिया नेपाल Foss Nepal Community
  76. Chandra Chakradhar
  77. Ajaya N. Mali
  78. Subin Adhikari ( master_still@hotmail.com )
  79. Kapil Koju, KEC
  80. Sanjib Lamsal,KEC
  81. Sushant Raj Giri [१]
  82. Saroj Acharya
  83. Barun Ray
  84. Rahul Thakur
  85. Sandesh Pathak [२]
  86. Subash Chandra Poudel

जनवरी १५ का दिन के हुन्छ? सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

  • परिचय
  • जन्मदिनको उत्सव
  • जिम्मी वेल्सको भिडियो प्रदर्शन
  • विकीपिडीया र अन्य विकीहरूको ऐतिहासिक रूपरेखा- इन्दिवर बडाल
  • नेपाली विकीपिडीयाको वर्तमान अवस्था- गणेश पौडेल
  • इन्टरनेट प्रविधिको वर्तमान धार- लोचन लाल अमात्य
  • भाषा र प्रविधि- तुलसी दिवस
  • मिडिया र अनलाइन मिडियामा देवनागरी स्क्रीप्टको वर्तमान अवस्था- केदार शर्मा
  • विकीपिडियामा योगदान कसरी दिने सम्बन्धि आधारभूत छलफल।
  • नेपाली र अङ्रेजी विकीपिडियामा लाइभ योगदान।
  • वी कफी
  • Parallel: ह्याक जात्रा.

तपाँइको विचार राख्नुहोस् सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

  • I really appreciate Wikipedia. I have been using it since school and I find almost all the content and references I need from here. I am really glad to know there's gonna be an event regarding Wikipedia.......Pratik Man Singh Pradhan........www.pmspratik.com.np
  • I love you Wikipedia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You are heartly welcome at Kathmandu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Waiting for Wikipedia team,,,,,Pravash raut,,,,,,,,,,pravash_raut@hotmail.com
  • I wish I could be there too; All the best to Wikipedia community in Nepal.फ़ेसबुक
  • Well, I want to be there to celebrate with my best site.. Yuvraj Rimal Twitter - facebook and my id playwithtime[at]gmail.com
  • All the Best to Wikipedia - Nepal team. Wish you the best Success and Happy New Year. I wish I could join and cherish the moments. But keep up the spirit brothers. All support is with you people. - Serij Suwal|(twitter.com/thenameisseriz).
  • I hope our Nepalese brothers and sisters would work together to contribute more to Wikipedia and also to include more about Nepal, wherever it is relevant and required. Wikipedia will live forever!! Narottam Shrestha
  • I hope there will be a maximum participation in this event although we will miss some of the fellow wikipedians and fossians including AKS, Prabin, Pravab. I hope these people will be included in addition to people from Foss Nepal, and fellow Wikipedians
Subir dai,
Hempal Shrestha,
Ganesh Paudel,
Kedar Sharma,
-RajeshPandey 07:12, 11 January 2011 (UTC)
  • I am happy to see friends organizing a program for Wikipedia10. I hope it will be a landmark in the history of Nepali Wikipedia Movement. As the day fell in quite difficult time for me. But I am trying to attend it. --गणेश पौडेल 11:22, 11 January 2011 (UTC)

  • Hi I am Prabha from Nepal Really appreciate with the 10 anniversary celebration of WIKIPEDIA but I am new about it interested to know more about it. please release more about on my email:pravanp@hotmail.com - thanks Prabha
  • Hi I am Suman. I congratulate Wikipedia.org on 10th year celebrations. It has been a phenomenal for people like us to find a almost all of the answers and facts, with just a click. With slow increase in internet usages day by day, more and more of Nepalese netizens are becoming familiar about the usefulness of Wikipedia, but I am pretty sure that the number is much more lesser. Despite the huge wealth of information and facts in Wikipedia, many Nepalese users are not able to use it. Its nice to find a team celebrating Wikipedia's 10th anniversary celebration. On this very occasion, I wish and request the WIKIPEDIA to do something so that more and more Nepalese users and especially students take benefit of WIKIPEDIA.

Suman Karki, Kathmandu (now Korea) sumanknp@gmail.com