"चाइना को बेइजिन्‍ग मा १९१७ मा स्‍थापना भएको एक मात्र स्वतन्त्र गिर्जाघर।" This means : The church was established in China in 1917 and it is the only independent church.

चाइना(Romanised Nepali word for China ) = China =चीन (translated Nepali word for China)

अहिले यस संस्थाको ४५ वटा देशमा गरि कुल १५ लाख सदस्यहरु छन्। यो संस्था इसाई धर्म अन्तर्गत प्रोटेस्टेन्ट समुदाय संग सम्बन्धित छ। यो चर्चमा क्रिस्‌मस र इस्टर पर्व मनाइदैन। यो चर्च भारतमा सन् १९३२ मा स्थापना भएको हो।

This sentence says that it was established in India in 1932. "यो चर्च भारतमा सन् १९३२ मा स्थापना भएको हो।"

भारतमा (Translated Nepali word for "In India") = In India (English Text) = ईन्डियामा (Romanised Nepali word for "In India")

So It means to say that at first it was established in China and then It was established in India.

Does it mean to say that it was first established in China and then its branch was established in India later and then in other countries. Now there are members in 45 countries. [Members ok. But this are there any branches of this church or is it the only church. Where is it actually situated ? Is it in China or in India?] Please clarify. I would like to know this before translating. I think that if the original translator gets confused .. the later may all get confused.

Findings comparing history of the page सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

No body have cited the works . चाइना को बेइजिन्‍ग मा १९१७ मा स्‍थापना भएको एक मात्र स्‍वतन्‍त्र चच....... : by Xnepali in Revision as of 06:38, 24 एप्रील 2006

Xnepali in 06:38, 24 एप्रील 2006 writes that:: this church was established in China. and This was translated in Nepali. in 21:56, 11 मे 2006 writes that:: this church was established in India. Now this text is in English. This way A Nepali user will interpret China and an English user will interpret India.

The church was established in India since 1932.

Hi RajeshPandey,

I sincerely apologize for all the confusion caused by the misleading Nepalese translation. I have therefore removed the misleading translation and replaced it with the proper English version. Hopefully you are now able to help me translate the article without any problem.

To clarify the facts, This church was first established in China since 1917. Then in 1932 it was established in India (by an Indian named Zacharias Ponniah who was returning to his hometown from Malaysia).

Therefore this is what the article is supposed to say:

The True Jesus Church is an independent church that was first established in Beijing, China in 1917. The church was later established in India since 1932. Today, there are approximately between 1.5 to 2.5 million members in forty five countries. The church is an offshoot of the Pentecost-Protestant branch of Christianity that emerged during the early twentieth century. They were also one of the three indigenous Chinese house churches that existed before the Communist takeover of China in 1949. They aim to preach the gospel to all nations before the Second Coming of Jesus. The church differs from most Christian denominations in that they do not believe the doctrine of the Trinity and adhere to the "Jesus-Name doctrine" instead.

The church does not celebrate Christmas since the 25th of December was originally associated with a pagan ritual celebrating the birthday of the Sun which was later adopted into the Christian church during the reign of the Roman emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD.

--Jose77 07:55, 24 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

I have tried my best to translate this much - however I believe there are errors, because of the complex words, most of which just heard them for the first time. Please check with a linguist preferrably with a bilingual person. Here are some references I went through during my translation,: Original version 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

--राजेश 16:36, 24 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

You have made a brilliant attempt!
Most of the terminology references that you checked above (ie. trinity, doctrine, preach, and offshoot) had portrayed their correct and proper meanings.
However, the word "Pentecost" simply referred to the Pentecostal movement that first originated in the United States of America during the early twentieth century. Since then, this movement had subsequently spread to countries all over the world. See Pentecostalism for its full definition. --Jose77 20:38, 24 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

Made some proper translation after reading these references. References referred: [[१]] [[२]] [[३]] [[४]]

Exact Text to be translated:

"The True Jesus Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit during the  time of the 'latter rain', is the restored true church of the Apostolic time".

previously Translated text:

"Church was created by our God Jesus Christ, which was done at the time of the 'latter rain', and later the True/Real Church was done in the 'Apostolic time' "

The paragraph is now translated. Any positive comments would be great. --राजेश ०६:४८, ३ अक्टोबर २००७ (UTC)

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