"आत्मा" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा robot Adding: an, ar, bat-smg, be, be-x-old, bg, bs, ca, ckb, cs, cy, da, de, el, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, gn, he, hr, ht, hu, hy, ia, id, io, is, it, ja, ka, kn, ko, ku, la, lt, lv, mk, ml, mr, nl, nn, no, pam, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, sah
सा robot Adding: vec:Ànema; अंगराग परिवर्तन
पङ्क्ति २:
== Popular culture ==
In popular culture, soul usually means deep feeling and commitment. It is in this sense that the word appears in the term [[soul music]]. However that music was also influenced by [[gospel music]] which was religious.
पङ्क्ति ७५:
[[ur:نفس (تقابل)]]
[[vi:Linh hồn]]
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/आत्मा" बाट अनुप्रेषित