"मोड्युल:Article history/config" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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redo makeTitle as titleExists, as checking title.exists is now the expensive part
add some more comments
पङ्क्ति २१२:
-- Each status can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the status. This should be the same as the configuration
-- table key.
-- aliases: a table of ID aliases that can be used to access the config table.
-- icon: The status icon.
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-- This function allows the generation of custom status ID. It takes an
-- articleHistory object as the first parameter, and should output the status
-- ID.
getStatusIdFunction = function (articleHistoryObj)
-- Get the status ID. The status code is the code passed in from the
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-- Notices
-- The notices table contains configuration tables for notices about the article
-- that are unrelated to its current status.
-- Each configuration table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the notice. This should be the same as the configuration
-- table key.
-- isActive: a function that should return a truthy value if the notice should
-- be displayed, and a falsy value if not. (Falsy values are false and nil,
-- and truthy values are everything else.) The function takes an article
-- history object as its first parameter.
-- makeData: a function that should return a table of data to be used by other
-- functions in this notice configuration table. It can be accessed using
-- noticeObj:getData().
-- icon: the filename of the notice icon, minus the "File:" prefix.
-- iconCaption: the icon caption.
-- iconSize: The icon size, including "px" suffix. The default is defined in
-- defaultIconSize.
-- iconSmallSize: The icon size if we are outputting a small template. The
-- default is defined in defaultSmallIconSize.
-- text: The notice text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
-- function, it takes an article history object as input, and should return
-- the text string.
-- categories: The categories set by the notice. This may be an array of
-- category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
-- history object as input, and should return an array of Category objects.
notices = {
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-- Actions
-- The actions table contains configuration tables for actions such as featured
-- article candidacies and peer review, etc.
-- Each configuration table can have the following fields:
-- id: the main ID for the action. This should be the same as the configuration
-- table key.
-- name: the name of the action. This can be a string or a function. If it is
-- a function, it takes an article history object as its first parameter and
-- the action object as its second parameter, and should return the name.
-- results: a table of possible results for the action. Keys in the table should
-- be a result ID, e.g. "promoted" or "kept", and values should be a subtable
-- with the following fields:
-- id: the result ID. This should be the same as the table key. It will
-- also define a possible input value for the action's result parameter.
-- text: the displayed result text. This may be a string or a function. If it
-- is a function, it takes an article history object as the first
-- parameter and the current action object as the second parameter, and
-- should return the result string.
-- aliases: an array of result ID aliases. Each of these will define a valid
-- value for the action's result parameter.
-- text: The action text. This may be a string or a function. If it is a
-- function, it takes an article history object as the first parameter and
-- the current action object as the second parameter, and should return the
-- text string.
-- categories: The categories set by the notice. This may be an array of
-- category names, or a function. If it is a function, it takes an article
-- history object as the first parameter and the current action object as the
-- second parameter, and should return an array of Category objects.
actions = {