"मार्क वाह्ल्बर्ग" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा बट: पुनर्निदेश मिलय्‌यानाच्वँगु
सा नेपाली सङ्ख्या कायम गर्दै
पङ्क्ति ३३:
== प्रसिद्धि ==
==सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू==
* Reisfeld, Randi. ''Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch''. New York: Avon Books, 1992१९९२. ISBN 0-380३८०-77100७७१००-4
* Simpson, Mark. "Marky Mark and the Hunky [sic] Bunch: the Hustler Syndrome", in his ''Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity'' (New York: Routledge, 1994१९९४, ISBN 0-41590991४१५९०९९१-0), p. [150१५०]-163१६३. ''N.B''.: Wahlberg is also mentioned and discussed elsewhere (as "Marky Mark") in Simpson's book.
==बाहिरी कडीहरु==
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