"कथानक" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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पङ्क्ति २०:
* [http://www.tennscreen.com/plots.htm 20 Basic Plots] from the Tennessee Screenwriting Association.
* [http://www.ipl.org/div/farq/plotFARQ.html The "Basic" Plots In Literature], Information on the most common divisions of the basic plots, from the Internet Public Library organization.
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20091114134427/http://www.bbc.co.uk/raw/words/story_writing/ How to plan and organise story ideas] BBC raw words guide to story writing
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/कथानक" बाट अनुप्रेषित