"डिम्बबाहिनी नली" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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पङ्क्ति १:
{{Infobox Anatomy
| Name = डिम्बबाहिनी नली
| Latin = tuba uterina
| GraySubject = 267
| GrayPage = 1257
| Image = Scheme_female_reproductive_system-en.svg
| Caption = Schematic frontal view of female anatomy
| Image2 = Gray589.png
| Caption2 = Vessels of the uterus and its appendages, rear view. (Fallopian tubes visible at top right and top left.)
| System =
| Precursor = [[Müllerian duct]]
| Artery = [[tubal branches of ovarian artery]], [[tubal branch of uterine artery]]
| Vein =
| Nerve =
| Lymph = [[lumbar lymph nodes]]
| MeshName = Fallopian+Tubes
| MeshNumber = A05.360.319.114.373
| DorlandsPre = t_21
| DorlandsSuf = 12827008