This template makes a link in a box to a Wiktionary page. Wiktionary entries include definitions, etymology, and pronunciation, as well as synonyms, antonyms, and related terms.

Usage सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्


If no parameter is supplied, the current page name in lower case will be the target. Please check whether it is correct.

You can also use:

{{Wiktionary|1st|2nd|...|10th}} (one up to ten parameters, see Template Data below)

Linking to a search page सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

For internal link to Wiktionary search on a specific word, this code may be used:

[[wikt:Special:Search/search word|text to show]]

Placement सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

The template may be placed anywhere, such as the External links section, the beginning of the article, or in the article's etymology section if one exists. It may also be placed inline.

On disambiguation pages, place this template at the TOP of the page (on the first line of the edit screen). This is in accord with MOS:WTLINK.

See Wikipedia:Wikimedia sister projects for some recommendations about the best choice of template for various situations.

This template may be floated to the left by use of |position=left. The default and usually recommended position is to the right.

TemplateData सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template in articles based on this TemplateData.

Wiktionaryको कागजात

Creates a small box with links to entries in Wiktionary.

ढाँचा प्यारामिटरहरू

First word1

The first word to link to, case sensitive. If not specified, it links to the pagename in lower case.

स्वत: मूल्य
Second word2

Second word to link to.

Third word3

Third word to link to.

Fourth word4

Fourth word to link to.

Fifth word5

Fifth word to link to.

Sixth word6

Sixth word to link to.

Seventh word7

Seventh word to link to.

Eighth word8

Eighth word to link to.

Ninth word9

Ninth word to link to.

Tenth word10

Tenth word to link to.


Float box to left

floated right
स्वत: मूल्य

See also सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

ढाँचा:Wiktionary templates common doc