- Douban film ID (P4529) (उपयोग हेर्नुहोस्)
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्Go to Douban.com (Douban), search and find the page of the work that you are looking for, check out its URL.
1. If it is a movie, then the URL should be like https://movie.douban.com/subject/[ID]/
. In a Wikipedia article you may insert the code below
For example:
yields: "Douban दोउबनमा" (the current Wikipedia article's title will be used as the link's shown text)
{{Douban|[ID]|[Link text]}}
For example:
{{Douban|1292052|EXAMPLE TEXT}}
yields: "EXAMPLE TEXT दोउबनमा"
2. If it is a book or a music, then the URL should be like https://book.douban.com/subject/[ID]/
(or music
in place of book
). In a Wikipedia article you may insert the code below
{{Douban|[ID]|[Link text]|[Type]}},
[Type] could be "book" or "music"
[Link text] could be omitted, if so, the current Wikipedia article's title will be used
For example:
{{Douban|1829226|EXAMPLE TEXT|book}}
yields: "EXAMPLE TEXT दोउबनमा"{{Douban|1829226||book}}
yields: "' दोउबनमा" (the current Wikipedia article's title will be used as the link's shown text)
3. If it is a page of other type:
type: Type of the Douban webpage, or the [DIR]
in the URL https://www.douban.com/[DIR]/[id]/
All possible values:
- Movie, book or music (all of which have URL like
), use 'movie', 'book' or 'music' - Page with URL like
, use[DIR]
(\"/\" is allowed)",
example: movie, game, subject, location/drama, etc.
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्To generate a link to a Douban webpage
मापदण्ड | विवरण | प्रकार | स्थिति | |
ID | id 1 (or the first anonymous parameter) | ID, that is the <code>[ID]</code> in the URL <code><nowiki>https://[type/www].douban.com/[dir]/[ID]/</nowiki></code>
| सङ्ख्या | आवश्यक |
Link text | title 2 (or the second anonymous parameter) | Text that is shown by the link
| String | वैकल्पिक |
Type | type 3 (or the third anonymous parameter) | Type of the Douban webpage (see above)
| String | वैकल्पिक |