Usage सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

{{बोट कार्य|कार्य नम्वर|स्थिति|गतिविधि|विवरण}}


  • Task number is the number of this bot; for instance, ExampleBot's second BRFA would have a task number of 2.
  • Status is, for instance, Approved, Denied, Trial, ExtendedTrial, or Open (i.e. the BRFA was just opened). Any name of a bot status subtemplate will work, such as Speedy (which will transclude {{BotSpeedy}}) or, in general, Foo (which will transclude {{BotFoo}}). See {{BAG Tools}} for a complete list.
  • Activity is, for instance, active or inactive. Any name of a subpage of WP:Registered bots will work.
  • Description is a description of the bot's task.

Example सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

You'll need to add a {{BotTask/Top}} before a list of bot tasks and a |} afterwards, like so:

{{BotTask|1|Approved|सक्रिय|Reticulates splines.}}
{{BotTask|2|Approved|निस्कृय|Templates Jimbo.}}

which will produce this table:

बोट कार्य स्थिति विवरण गतिविधि
कार्य 1  स्वीकृत Reticulates splines.     -सक्रिय
कार्य 2  स्वीकृत Templates Jimbo. विकिपिडिया:दर्ता भएका बोटहरू/निस्कृय