"उभयलिङ्गी" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

नयाँ पृष्ठ: जीव विज्ञानमा '''उभयलिङ्गी''' भन्नाले पुलिङ्गी र स्त्रीलिङ्गी...
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पङ्क्ति १:
जीव विज्ञानमा '''उभयलिङ्गी''' भन्नाले [[पुलिङ्गी]] र [[स्त्रीलिङ्गी]] दुबै प्रजनन प्रणाली भएका प्राणीहरूलाई जनाइन्छ ।जनाइन्छ। <ref>[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hermaphrodite Merriam-Webster Dictionary] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110807134545/http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hermaphrodite |date=2011-08-07 }} Retrieved 28 June 2011</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Lehtonen|first1=Jussi|last2=Parker|first2=Geoff A.|date=2014-12-01|title=Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of the two sexes|url=https://academic.oup.com/molehr/article/20/12/1161/1062990|journal=Molecular Human Reproduction|language=en|volume=20|issue=12|pages=1161–1168|doi=10.1093/molehr/gau068|pmid=25323972|issn=1360-9947|doi-access=free}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=Avise|first=John C.|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jqiR8C0lEckC&q=Sex+is+defined+by+gametes&pg=PA1|title=Hermaphroditism: A Primer on the Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Dual Sexuality|date=2011-03-18|publisher=Columbia University Press|isbn=978-0-231-52715-6|language=en}}</ref>
मानव प्रजातिमा उभयलिङ्गी गुण सम्भव छैन ।छैन। कतिपय पुराना प्रकाशनहरूमा [[अन्तरलिङ्गी]] व्यक्तिहरूलाई 'उभयलिङ्गी' भनि सम्बोधन गरिएको पाइन्छ ।पाइन्छ। मानिसहरूलाई जनाउन यो शब्दको प्रयोग अपमानजनक मानिन्छ र अन्तरलिङ्गी व्यक्तिहरूको अधिकारका निम्ति कार्यरत नागरिक समाजहरूले यसको विरोध गरेका छन् ।छन्। उभयलिङ्गी प्राणीहरूमा पुलिङ्गी र स्त्रीलिङ्गी छुट्टा छुट्टै जीवन नभई ति प्रजातिमा एउटै शरीरमै पुलिङ्गी र स्त्रीलिङ्गी प्रजनन प्रणाली पूर्णतः हुनका साथै ती जीवहरूले स्वयंलाई स्वयंले यौन सम्पर्क गरी प्रजनन गर्न सक्छन् ।सक्छन्। यो मानव प्रजातिमा सम्भव छैन ।छैन। त्यसैले मानव प्रजातिका अन्तरलिङ्गी विविधताका विशेषताहरू उभयलिङ्गी होइनन् भन्ने ठम्याइ छ ।छ। <ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Dreger|first1=Alice D.|last2=Chase|first2=Cheryl|last3=Sousa|first3=Aron|last4=Gruppuso|first4=Phillip A.|last5=Frader|first5=Joel|date=18 August 2005|title=Changing the Nomenclature/Taxonomy for Intersex: A Scientific and Clinical Rationale.|pmid=16200837|journal=Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism|volume=18|issue=8|pages=729–33|doi=10.1515/jpem.2005.18.8.729|s2cid=39459050}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isna.org/node/979 |title=Getting Rid of "Hermaphroditism" |publisher=Intersex Society of North America |access-date=30 July 2018 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180103173537/http://www.isna.org/node/979 |archive-date=3 January 2018 |df=dmy-all }}</ref><ref name="un-2016">{{Citation | author1-link = United Nations Convention against Torture#Committee against Torture | author2-link = Committee on the Rights of the Child | author3-link = Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | last4 = UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | last5 = Juan Méndez, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment | author5-link = Juan E. Méndez | last6 = Dainius Pῡras, Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health | last7 = Dubravka Šimonoviæ, Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences | last8 = Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children | last9 = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights | author9 = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights | last10 = Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights | author10 = Commissioner for Human Rights | last11 = Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | author11-link = Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | work = Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | title = Intersex Awareness Day – Wednesday 26 October. End violence and harmful medical practices on intersex children and adults, UN and regional experts urge | date = October 24, 2016 | url = http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20739&LangID=E | url-status = live | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20161121185256/http://ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20739&LangID=E | archive-date = November 21, 2016 }}</ref><ref name="coe">{{Citation| author = Council of Europe| author = Commissioner for Human Rights| title = Human rights and intersex people, Issue Paper| date = April 2015| url = https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=CommDH/IssuePaper(2015)1&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original| url-status = dead| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160106203349/https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=CommDH%2FIssuePaper%282015%291&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original| archive-date = 2016-01-06| access-date = 2018-06-10}}</ref> <ref> {{cite web| url=https://isna.org/faq/hermaphrodite/ |title=Is a person who is intersex a hermaphrodite? |publisher=Intersex Society of North America}} </ref> <ref> {{cite web| url=https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/exploring-identities/intersex |title=https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/exploring-identities/intersex |publisher=LGBTQ Center}} </ref> <ref> {{cite web| url=https://interactadvocates.org/faq/ |title=FAQ: What is intersex? |publisher=InterAct}} </ref>
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