"ढाँचा:शासन प्रणाली" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

साकुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
One-party states cannot be deemed as republics.
पङ्क्ति ९:
{{Legend|#3355dd|Presidential republics with a full [[Presidentialpresidential system]].}}
{{Legend|#f0e847|Presidential republics with a [[Semisemi-presidential system]].}}
{{Legend|#66bb66|Parliamentary system with an executive head of state/government chosen by the parliament.}}
{{Legend|#ff9a33|[[Parliamentary republic|Parliamentary system]] with a ceremonial/non-executive president, where a separate head of government leads the executive.}}
{{Legend|#66bb66|Parliamentary system with an executive head of state/government chosen by the parliament}}
{{Legend|#aa6f33|[[One-party state]]}}
Line २० ⟶ १९:
{{Legend|#e75353|[[Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchies]] with a ceremonial/non-executive monarch, where a separate head of government leads the executive.}}
{{Legend|#ee1af9|Constitutional monarchymonarchies, which have with a separate head of government but where monarchyroyalty still hold significant executive and/or legislative power.}}
{{Legend|#801a80|[[Absolute monarchy|Absolute monarchies]]}}
Line २९ ⟶ २८:
{{Legend|#6b8e23|Countries in which constitutional provisions for government have been suspended (e.g. [[Military dictatorships]])}}
{{Legend|#aa6f33|[[One-party state]]s.}}
{{Legend|#b9b9b9|Countries which do not fit any of the above systems (e.g. transitional governments, unclear political situations or no government)}}