"ब्रिटिस पुस्तकालय" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

साकुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
साकुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
पङ्क्ति २७:
'''ब्रिटिस लाइब्रेरी '''('''BL''') [[बेलायत]]को राष्ट्रिय पुस्तकालय हो। <ref>[http://www.bl.uk/learning/cresearch/skills/using1/usingthebritishlibrary.html "Using the British Library"]. British Library. Retrieved on 17 April 2014.</ref> यो [[पुस्तकालय]] सङ्ग्रहित सामग्रीको सङ्ख्याको आधारमा [[:en:List_of_largest_libraries|विश्वको सबैभन्दा ठूलो पुस्तकालय]] हो । यहाँ विभिन्न देशबाट १७-२० करोड भन्दा अधिक सामग्रीहरू भएको अनुमान रहेकोछ ।<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bl.uk/aboutus/quickinfo/facts/|title=Facts and figures|last=Wight|first=Colin|website=bl.uk|access-date=3 September 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/816517/British_Library_Annual_Report_and_Accounts_201819.pdf|title=BL Accounts 2019|website=bl.uk|access-date=22 July 2019}}</ref><ref name="BL Exhibition Notes">{{cite web|url=https://www.bl.uk/a-history-of-magic/articles/the-magic-of-the-british-library|title=BL Exhibition Notes|website=bl.uk|access-date=11 June 2018}}</ref><ref name="How Big is the UK Web Archive">{{cite web|url=http://blogs.bl.uk/webarchive/2014/06/how-big-is-the-uk-web.html|title=How Big is the UK Web Archive?|website=bl.uk|access-date=11 June 2018}}</ref> [[:en:Legal_deposit|कानुनी संचय]] पुस्तकालयको रुपमा , ब्रिटिस लाइब्रेरी मा [[संयुक्त अधिराज्य]] र [[आयरल्याण्ड]] मा प्रकाशित हुने सबै पुस्तकको प्रति यहाँ रहेको छ ।
सन् १९७३ सम्म , यो पुस्तकालय Prior to 1973, the Library was part of the [[:en:British_Museum|ब्रिटिस संग्राहलय कोसंग्राहलयको]] अंग थियो। ब्रिटिस पुस्तकालय ऐन १९७२ ले यस पुस्तकालय विभागलाई संग्रहालयलाई अलग गर्यो ।The Britishसन् Library१९९७ Actसम्म 1972उही detachedपठन theकक्ष library departmentभवनमा fromहालिएको theछुट्टै museum,ब्रिटिश but it continued to host the now separated British Library in the same [[:en:British_Museum_Reading_Room|Reading Room]] and building as the museum until 1997. The Library is now located in a purpose-built building on the north side of [[:en:Euston_Road|Euston Road]] in [[:en:St_Pancras,_London|St Pancras, London]] (between [[:en:Euston_railway_station|Euston railway station]] and [[:en:St_Pancras_railway_station|St Pancras railway station]]), and has a document storage centre and reading room near [[:en:Boston_Spa|Boston Spa]], near [[:en:Wetherby|Wetherby]] in [[:en:West_Yorkshire|West Yorkshire]]. The St Pancras building was officially opened by Queen [[:en:Elizabeth_II|Elizabeth II]] on 25 June 1998, and is classified as a Grade I [[:en:Listed_building|listed building]] "of exceptional interest" for itsपुस्तकालय architectureजारी andरह्यो। history.
== सन्दर्भ ==