"अनवर सादात" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
सा रोबोट: रिडाइरेक्टहरू मिलाउँदै
पङ्क्ति ४१:
|spouse = {{unbulleted list |Eqbal Afifi<ref>{{citation|last=Finklestone|first=Joseph|year=2013|title=Anwar Sadat: Visionary Who Dared|publisher=[[Routledge]]|isbn=113519565X|page=|quote=Significantly, Anwar Sadat did not mention aspects in his early life...It was in Mit Abul-Kum that Eqbal Afifi, the woman who was his wife for ten years and whom he left, was also born. Her family was of higher social standing than Anwar's, being of Turkish origin...}}</ref>|Ehsan Madi |[[Jehan Sadat]]}}
|children = ७
|nationality = [[मिश्र|इजिप्ट]]
|party = नेशनल डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी (इजिप्ट)
|otherparty =अरब सोसलिस्ट युनियन (इजिप्ट)
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/अनवर_सादात" बाट अनुप्रेषित