"रुडल्फ डिजेल" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति ६९:
२९ सेप्टेम्बर १९१३ को सांझ, डिजेल लन्डनमा इन्जिन निर्माण कम्पनी संग मिटिङ को लागि GER स्टीमर एसएस ड्रेसडेन चढे।उनले रातीको खाना खाए र बिहान ६:१५ मा भेट्ने भनेर आफ्नो क्याबिनमा करिब १० बजे गए। तर त्यसपछि उनलाई कहिल्यै जीवित देखिएन। बिहानउनको क्याबिन खाली थियो, उनको पलङमा सुतेको थिए तर पनि उनको नाइटसर्ट सफासँग बिच्छाइएको थियो र उनको घडी पलङबाट देखिने स्थानमा छोडिएको थियो। उनको टोपी र ओभरकोट रेलिङमा भेटियो।<ref name="pahl">Greg Pahl, "Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy", Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008. {{ISBN|978-1-933392-96-7}}</ref>
दस दिन पछि, डच डुङ्गाको चालक दलकेदललेप्क नर्वे नजिकको नर्थ सी मा तैरिरहेको एक मानिसको लास देख्यो। लास चिन्न सकिने अवस्थामा थिए। दलले व्यक्तिगत समग्री जस्तै (पर्स, परिचय पत्र, चस्माको बट्टा) आदि लसको कोटको खल्ती बाट निकाल्यो। र लासलैइ समुद्रमा नै छोडिदियो। १३ अक्टोबर मा ती सामग्रीहरु, रुडल्फका पुत्र इउजेन डिजेलले पहिचान गरे। On१४ 14अक्टोबर October१९१३ 1913मा itडिजेलको wasलास reportedमाझी thatले Diesel'sभेटेको bodyखबर was found at the mouth of the [[Scheldt]] by a boatmanआयो, butतर heउनले wasखराव forcedमौसमको toकारणले throwसमुद्रमा it overboard because of heavyनै weather.फालिदिए।<ref>{{cite news|url=http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1913-10-14/ed-1/seq-13/#date1=1913&index=12&rows=20&searchType=advanced&language=&sequence=0&words=Diesel+Rudolf&proxdistance=5&date2=1913&ortext=&proxtext=Rudolf+Diesel&phrasetext=&andtext=&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=1 |work=The Evening News Star|location= Washington, D.C.|title=Diesel's Fate Learned|date=14 October 1913|page= 13}}</ref>
Thereडिजेलको areमृत्यु variousसम्बन्धि theoriesअन्य toथुपै explainसिद्धान्त Diesel'sहरु death.आए। Certainकेही people,मानिसहरु suchजस्तै asजीवनीकार hisग्रोसर biographerमान्छन् Grosserकि रुडल्फ inडिजेलले 1978,[[आत्महत्या]] गरेका थिए।<ref name="Grosser 1978"/> argue that Rudolf Diesel committed [[suicide]]. Another line of thought suggests that he was murdered, given his refusal to grant the German forces the exclusive rights to using his invention; indeed, Diesel boarded the SS ''Dresden'' with the intent of meeting with representatives of the British Royal Navy to discuss the possibility of powering British submarines by Diesel engine<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.autoblog.com/2015/10/06/diesel-engine-history-feature/|title=The tumultuous history of the diesel engine|work=Autoblog|access-date=2018-09-03|language=en}}</ref>&nbsp;– he never made it ashore. Yet, [[evidence]] is limited for all explanations, and his disappearance and death remain unsolved.
Shortly after Diesel's disappearance, his wife Martha opened a bag that her husband had given to her just before his ill-fated voyage, with directions that it should not be opened until the following week. She discovered 200,000 German marks in cash (US$1.2 million today) and a number of financial statements indicating that their bank accounts were virtually empty.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1370&dat=19880922&id=jZxOAAAAIBAJ&pg=5572,1837129|quote=It is alleged the cause of the loss of his fortune was due to unsuccessful stock market speculations and poor real estate deals.|work=Manila Standard|date=Sep 22, 1988|title=Rudolf Diesel – A tragic end|author=Josef Luecke|page=24}}</ref> In a diary Diesel brought with him on the ship, for the date 29 September 1913, a cross was drawn, possibly indicating death.<ref name="pahl" /> <!--This is the limit of what can be said encyclopedically. Beyond this, readers will have to read secondary sources to learn more. -->
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