"बर्लिन" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा →‎बाह्य लिङ्कहरू: clean up, replaced: ==बाहिरी कडीहरू== → ==बाह्य लिङ्कहरू== स्वतःविकी ब्राउजर प्रयोग गर्दै
सा fix homoglyphs: convert Latin characters in Б[M] to Cyrillic
पङ्क्ति ३३:
|State =Berlin
|Vorwahl =030
|Kfz =B<small> (for earlier signs see note)</small><ref>Prefixes for vehicle registration were introduced in 1906, but often changed due to the political changes after 1945. Vehicles were registered under the following prefixes: "I A" (1906&nbsp;– April 1945; devalidated on 11 August 1945); no prefix, only digits (from July to August 1945), "БГ" (=BG; 1945–46, for cars, lorries and busses), "ГФ" (=GF; 1945–1946, for cars, lorries and busses), "БMБМ" (=BM; 1945–47, for motor bikes), "ГM" (=GM; 1945–1947, for motor bikes), "KB" (i.e.: [[Allied Kommandatura|Kommandatura]] of Berlin; for all of Berlin 1947–48, continued for [[West Berlin]] until 1956), "GB" (i.e.: Greater Berlin, for [[East Berlin]] 1948–53), "I" (for East Berlin, 1953–90), "B" (for West Berlin from 1 July 1956, continued for all of Berlin since 1990).</ref>
|iso region=DE-BE
|un_locode = DEBER
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