"ढाँचा:Infobox high court" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
undoing edits of today. This template is for supreme courts in general; and not only for the US, so this edit should not be made there..
पङ्क्ति ४३:
| data13 = {{{website|}}}
| header15 = {{{Supreme Court Justices of the United Stateschiefjudgetitle|}}}
| label16 = Chief JusticeCurrently
| data16 = {{{chiefjudgename|}}}
| label17 = Associate JusticesSince
| data17 = {{{termstart|}}}
| label18 = Lead position ends
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/ढाँचा:Infobox_high_court" बाट अनुप्रेषित