"ढाँचा:Userbox" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

Having the witdth in the div fixes it (we should probably remove it from the table now, as it's redundant). Also, included box-sizing:border-box so that custom border widths don't break the uniform sizing.
box-sizing tweak needs a little testing, after all. undoing for now
पङ्क्ति १:
<div style="float:{{{float|left}}}; border:{{{border-width|{{{border-s|1}}}}}}px solid {{{border-color|{{{1|{{{border-c|{{{id-c|#999}}}}}}}}}}}}; margin:1px; width:238px; {{css3|box-sizing: border-box}}" class="wikipediauserbox {{{bodyclass|}}}">
{| cellspacing="0" style=" width:238px; margin-bottom:0; background:{{{info-background|{{{2|{{{info-c|#EEE}}}}}}}}}"
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/ढाँचा:Userbox" बाट अनुप्रेषित