"नालापानीको लडाइँ" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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पङ्क्ति ३७:
* {{cite book |last=गोत् |first=रिचार्ड |chapter=Bulbhadar Singh and Gurkha Resistance in Nepal |title=Britain's Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt |location= |publisher=वर्सो बुक्स |year=२०११ |pages=१९७–१९८ |isbn=9781844677382 |url= http://books.google.com/?id=sNoz_F_wQPkC&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=fort+of+jaithak#v=onepage&q=fort%20of%20jaithak&f=false}}
* {{cite journal |last=ओनटा |first=प्रत्यूष |title=Ambivalence Denied: The Making of Rastriya Itihas in Panchayat Era Textbooks |journal= Contributions to Nepalese Studies |issue=२३, न. १ |date=जन १९९६ |pages=२१३–२५४ |url=http://www.thlib.org/static/reprints/contributions/CNAS_23_01_13.pdf |oclc=60628049}}
* {{cite journal |last=पन्त |first=महेश राज |title=Nepal's Defeat in the Nepal-British War |journal=Regmi Research Series | volume=१० | issue=१० | date=१ अक्टोबर १९७८ | pages=१५०–१५९ | location = काठमाडौँ | url=http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/regmi/pdf/Regmi_10.pdf |issn=0034-348X}}
* {{cite journal |last=पन्त |first=महेश राज |title=नालापानीको युद्ध |journal=Regmi Research Series | volume=१० | issue=११, १२ | pages=१६७–१७०, १८७–१९४ | date=१ डिसेम्बर १९७८ | location = काठमाडौँ | url=http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/regmi/pdf/Regmi_10.pdf|issn=0034-348X}}
* {{cite journal |last=पन्त |first=महेश राज | title=More Documents on the Battle of Nalapani |journal=Regmi Research Series | volume=११ | issue=१ | pages=११, २३ | date=१ जनवरी १९७९ | location= काठमाडौँ | url=http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/regmi/pdf/Regmi_11.pdf |issn=0034-348X}}
* {{cite book |last=पार्कर |first=जोहन |year=२००५ |origyear=१९९९ |title=The Gurkhas: The Inside Story of The World's Most Feared Soldiers |publisher= Headline Book Publishing |location=लण्डन |url=http://books.google.com/?id=eOqLQgAACAAJ&dq=The+Gurkhas |isbn=9780755314157}}
* {{cite journal |last=पेम्बले |first=जोहन | title=Forgetting and remembering Britain's Gurkha War |journal=Asian Affairs | volume=४० | issue=३ | pages=३६१–३७६ | date=२००९| url=http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a916183139~db=all~jumptype=rss |doi=10.1080/03068370903195154}}
==सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू==