"हिस्टेरिया" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा स्वचालित हिज्जे सम्पादन, replaced: । → । (2), रुप → रूप, हरु → हरू (3)
कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
चिनोहरू: मोबाइल सम्पादन मोबाइल वेब सम्पादन
पङ्क्ति ६:
मानसिक क्षेत्रका तन्तुहरूमा अस्थायि रूपले बिकृति उत्पन्न भए सम्वेदनात्मक क्षेत्रबाट प्रत्यक्ष सम्पर्क टुट्ने वा उल्टो प्रभाव पर्न गई मानिस असन्तुलित हुने एक प्रकारको अनौठो रोगलाई हिस्टेरिया (hysteria) भनिन्छ। यस रोगको प्रमुख कारणहरू भनेको मानिस का यौन तिरसनाहरू पुरा हुन नसक्नु नै हो।
== Causes ==
*Basically, the prime cause is unable to fulfill the extreme desire of sex or feeling of too much sexual desire & when the desire can't be fulfilled , the person may feel of having sick mentally & can sometime be even coma or unconscious for temporary time.
==Signs & symptoms==
*Especially, this sickness can occure into females at their age of 15 to until 30.
* In beginning, patient may feel just disorders into mind & when they see the opposite sided person or opposite sex, they keep starring them long.
* When the patient imagines of having sex with partner, then the patient becomes quite[[coma]].
*The patient feels extreme fear when something like river is seen with their real eyes.
* The patient's eyes become starred,
== Treatment ==
Usually, when someone hears the word hysteria, the mind of that person may disgust & feel shyness. But the main treatment to this is related to sexual entercourse, just then the patient may come in good conditions.
* There are plenty rumors spread of having mass hysteria to teenage girls but in boys it has not come so often.
* As soon as the patient got relationship with the opposite friend's helping the patient becomes quite good.
* In hospital, patient is given injection to baffle the feeling of sex for emergency state but the patient may not be healed until that got married.
* In married women, the likelihood of attacking by hysteria is rare.
* The women who are separated from their partner may sometime feel this but just at the time when having long time.
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/हिस्टेरिया" बाट अनुप्रेषित