"नेपाल वित्तीय प्रतिवेदन मानहरू" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति १२:
| २ || Share based Payment || NFRS 2
| ३ || Business Combination || NFRS 3
| ४ || Insurance Contracts || NFRS 4
| ५ || Non-Current Assets Held for Sale & Discontinued Operation || NFRS 5
| ६ || Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources || NFRS 6
| ७ || Financial Instruments: Disclosure || NFRS 7
| ८ || Operating Segments || NFRS 8
| ९ || Financial Instruments || NFRS 9
| १० || Consolidated Financial Statements || NFRS 10
| ११ || Joint Arrangements || NFRS 11
| १२ || Disclosure of Interests in other Entities || NFRS 12
| १३ || Fair Value Measurements || NFRS 13