"स्वास्थ्य" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा नेपाली सङ्ख्या कायम गर्दै
कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
चिनोहरू: मोबाइल सम्पादन मोबाइल वेब सम्पादन
पङ्क्ति १:
[[विश्व स्वास्थ्य सन्गठन]]का अनुसार "स्वस्थ्यस्वास्थ्य भनेको रोग्रोग तथतथा दुर्बलताबाट मुक्त हुनु मात्र नभैनभई सम्पूर्नसम्पूर्ण शारिरिक, मानसिक तथा सामाजिक अवस्था तन्दुरुस्त हुनु पनि हो."
<blockquote>'''Health is a state of complete physical, mental र social well-being र not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". (WHO, १९४६)</blockquote>
One widely accepted definition of health is that of the [[World Health Organization]] "WHO". It states that "health is a state of complete physical, mental र social well-being र not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO, १९४६). In more recent years, this statement has been modified to include the ability to lead a "socially र economically productive life." The WHO definition is not without criticism, as some argue that health cannot be defined as a state at all, but must be seen as a process of continuous adjustment to the changing demands of living र of the changing meanings we give to life. The WHO definition is therefore considered by many as an idealistic goal rather than a realistic proposition.
The [[LaLonde report]] suggested that there are four general determinants of health which he called "human biology", "environment", "lifestyle", र "healthcare organization"<ref name="Lalonde">Lalonde, Marc. [http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/alt_formats/hpb-dgps/pdf/pubs/1974-lalonde/lalonde_e.pdf "A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians."] Ottawa: मन्त्री of Supply र Services; 1974.</ref> Thus, health is maintained through the science र practice of [[medicine]], but can also be improved by individual effort. [[Physical fitness]], [[weight loss]], [[healthy eating]], [[stress management]] training र [[Smoking cessation|stopping smoking]] र other [[substance abuse]] are examples of steps to improve one's health. Workplace programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving health र well-being of their employees, र increasing morale, loyalty र productivity at work. A company may provide a gym with exercise equipment, start smoking cessation programs, provide [[nutrition]], [[Weight loss|weight]] or stress management training. Other programs may include health risk assessments, health screenings र [[body mass index]] monitoring.
An increasing measure of the health of populations is height, which is strongly regulated by nutrition र health care, among other standard of living र quality of life matters. The study of human growth, its regulators र its implications is known as [[auxology]].
[[Wellness]] is a term sometimes used to describe the [[psychological state]] of being healthy, but is most often used in the field of [[alternative medicine]] to describe one's state of being.
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