"कूलम्बको नियम" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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सा नेपाली सङ्ख्या कायम गर्दै
पङ्क्ति १६:
* [http://mw.concord.org/modeler1.3/mirror/electrostatics/mazegame.html A maze game for teaching Coulomb's Law]—a game created by the Molecular Workbench software
* [http://blazelabs.com/inversecubelaw.pdf The inverse cube law] The inverse cube law for dipoles (PDF file) by Eng. Xavier Borg
* [http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-02Electricity-and-MagnetismSpring2002/VideoAndCaptions/detail/embed01.htm Electric Charges, Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law] Walter Lewin, ''8.02०२ Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002२००२: Lecture 1'' (video). MIT OpenCourseWare. License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike.