"मोजिला थन्डरबर्ड" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
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पङ्क्ति २:
{{Orphan|date=जुन २०११}}
{{Infobox software
| name = मोजिला थन्डरबर्ड
| logo = [[File:Mozilla Thunderbird logo.png|80px]]
| screenshot = [[File:Thunderbird 17 on Ubuntu.png|300px]]
| caption = मोजिला थन्डरबर्ड १७.० उबुन्टुमा
| developer = [[मोजिला फाउन्डेसन]] (पहिले [[Mozilla Messaging]])
| released = {{initial-release|July 28, 2003}}
| frequently_updated = yes<!-- Release version update? Don't edit this page, just click on the version number! -->
| programming language = [[C (programming language)|C]], [[C++]], [[JavaScript]],<ref>{{cite web
| title = Firefox's addons are written in JavaScript
| url = http://www.rietta.com/firefox/Tutorial/backend.html
| publisher = Rietta
| accessdate = December 19, 2009
}}</ref> [[Cascading Style Sheets|CSS]],<ref>{{cite web
| title = Firefox uses an "html.css" stylesheet for default rendering styles
| url = http://davidwalsh.name/firefox-internal-rendering-css
| publisher = David Walsh
| accessdate = December 19, 2009
}}</ref><ref>{{cite web
| title = The Firefox addon, Stylish takes advantage of Firefox's CSS rendering to change the appearance of Firefox
| url = http://userstyles.org/styles;app
| publisher = userstyles.org
| accessdate = December 19, 2009
}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> [[XUL]], [[XBL]]
| operating_system = [[Cross-platform]]
| size = 18.9&nbsp;[[Mebibyte|MiB]]
| language = [http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/all.html ५३ भाषाहरू]
| genre = [[Email client]], [[news client]], [[feed reader]]
| license = [[Mozilla Public License|MPL]]<ref name=Licensing-Policies>{{citation |url=http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/licensing.html |title=Mozilla Licensing Policies |publisher=mozilla.org |accessdate=January 5, 2012}}</ref>
| website = {{URL|mozilla.org/thunderbird}}
'''मोजिला थन्डरबर्ड''' मोजिला फाउन्डेशनद्वारा विकसित निशुल्क,<ref name="lwn_trademark_issues">{{cite web|url=http://lwn.net/Articles/118268/|title=Debian and Mozilla - a study in trademarks|work=[[LWN.net]]|accessdate=September 18, 2010}}</ref> खुल्ला स्रोत, बहुप्लेटफर्म इमेल, समाचार, र च्याट क्लाइन्ट हो ।
यस आयोजनाको रणनीति मोजिला फायरफक्स पश्चात निर्माण गरिएको थियो, जुन आयोजनाले [[वेब ब्राउजर|वेब ब्राउजर]]बनाउने लक्ष्य लिएको थियो ।