"पूर्वीय सभ्यता" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

सा Translating (- and + र )
पङ्क्ति १८:
While Western Orientalist traditions included both Islamic र further Eastern cultures under the generic heading of "the East", the common [[Abrahamic]] traditions of Islam र Christianity mean that a case can be made that both Islam र Christianity together form a different cultural sphere from countries further to the East in which the concept of [[Dharma]] plays a far more important role than that of an authoritative [[God]]. In recent years the concept of "Eastern culture" has increasingly become restricted to East Asian traditions. However, the existence of Islam र Christianity as powerful forces in countries such as [[Indonesia]] र the [[Philippines]] makes this usage problematic.
आमेरिच रोच्क्स्
==पूर्वीय संस्कृतीको आधार==