"पुतली" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

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पङ्क्ति ७:
| image = Cairns birdwing - melbourne zoo.jpg
| image_width=250px
| image_caption = कैर्न्स बर्डविग, [[अष्ट्रेलिया|अस्ट्रेलिया]]को सबै भन्दा ठूलो पुतली, [[मेलबर्न]] वन्य-प्राणीउद्धान में
| regnum = पशु]]
| phylum = [[आर्थ्रोपोडा]]
पङ्क्ति ३०:
पुतली एकलिंगी प्राणी हो अर्थात नर तथा पोथी अलग-अलग हुन्छन्। पोथी पुतली आफ्नो अण्डे पत्तीको तल्लो सतह मा दिन्छ। अण्डा भन्दा केही दिनहरु पछि एक सानो कीरा निस्किन्छ जसलाई क्याटरपिलर [[लार्भा]] भनिन्छ। यो बिरुवाहरुको पातहरुलाई खाएर ठूलो हुन्छ र फेरि यसको चारै तिर कडा खोल बनाउँछ। अब यसलाई [[प्यूपा]] भनिन्छ। केही समय पछि प्यूपालाई तोडेर उनमा भन्दा एक सुन्दर सानो पुतली बाहिर निस्किन्छ।<ref>{{cite book |last=शर्मा |first=कैलाश नाथ |title= आधुनिक जीव विज्ञान, भाग-२ |year=जुलाई २००४ |publisher=कमला पुस्तक भवन |location=कोलकाता |id= |page=80-81 |accessday= २३|accessmonth= जून|accessyear= २००९}}</ref> पुतलीको दिमाग़ धेरै छिटो हुन्छ। देखने, सूंघने, स्वाद चखने तथा उडनेको वाहेक ठाँउको पहिचाननको यिनीहरुमा अद्भुत क्षमता हुन्छ। वयस्क भए पछि सामान्यतया यो उनी बिरुवाहरु या रुखको तने मा फिर्ता आउँछं, जहाँ इन्होंने आफ्नो प्रारंभिक समय बिताया हुन्छ।
[[Image:TYOU&HIGANBANA.JPG|thumbnail|left|260px|पुष्प बाट रसास्वादन गर्दै पुतली]]पुतलीको जीवनकाल धेरै सानो हुन्छ। यो ठोस भोजन खाँदैन, हुनत केही पुतलीहरु फूलहरुको रस पीउँछन्। दुनियाको सबै भन्दा छिटो उडने वाला पुतली [[मोनार्च]] छ। यो एक घन्टा मा १७ मीलको दूरी तय गर्छ। कोस्टा रीका मा पुतलीहरुको १३०० भन्दा ज्यादा प्रजातिहरु पाइन्छं। दुनियाको सबै भन्दा ठूलो पुतली जायंट बर्डविंग छ, जुन सोलमन आएलैंड्स मा पाइन्छ। यस पोथी पुतलीको पंखहरुको फैलाव १२ इंच भन्दा ज्यादा हुन्छ। <ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.bhaskar.com/2009/02/15/0902151845_butterfly.html|title=राम्रो मात्र हैन छिटो दिमाग़ पनि: पुतली
|accessmonthday=[[१ सितंबर]]|accessyear=[[वर्ष २००९|२००९]]|format=एचटीएमएल|publisher=दैनिक भास्कर|language=}}</ref>
पङ्क्ति १२९:
Butterflies feed primarily on [[nectar]] from flowers. Some also derive nourishment from [[pollen]],<ref>{{cite journal|author=Gilbert LE|year=1972|title= Pollen feeding and reproductive biology of ''Heliconius'' butterflies|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|volume=69|pages=1402–1407|url=http://www.pnas.org/content/69/6/1403.abstract|doi=10.1073/pnas.69.6.1403}}</ref> tree sap, rotting fruit, dung<ref>At 7 to 8 pm 27 October 2009 the [[BBC2]] television program ''Ray Mears's Northern Wilderness'' showed a butterfly feeding from wolf faeces in the Canadian [[boreal forest]]</ref>, decaying flesh<ref>At 7.30 to 8 pm 27 October 2009 the [[ITV1]] television program ''[[Grimefighters]]'' showed a butterfly feeding from a decaying dead rat in a town in England</ref>, and dissolved minerals in wet sand or dirt. Butterflies are important as pollinators for some species of plants although in general they do not carry as much pollen load as [[bee]]s. They are however capable of moving pollen over greater distances.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Herrera, C.M.|year= 1987 |title=Components of pollinator "quality": comparative analysis of a diverse insect assemblage.|journal= Oikos|volume=50|pages=79–90 |url=http://ebd06.ebd.csic.es/pdfs/Herrera.1987.Oikos.pdf|doi=10.2307/3565403|jstor=3565403|issue=1|publisher=Oikos, Vol. 50, No. 1}}</ref>
As adults, butterflies consume only liquids and these are sucked by means of their [[proboscis]]. They feed on [[nectar]] from flowers and also sip water from damp patches. This they do for water, for energy from sugars in nectar and for sodium and other minerals which are vital for their reproduction. Several species of butterflies need more [[सोडियम|sodium]] than provided by [[nectar (plant)|nectar]]. They are attracted to sodium in [[salt]] and they sometimes land on people, attracted by human sweat. Besides damp patches, some butterflies also visit dung, rotting fruit or carcasses to obtain minerals and nutrients. In many species, this [[mud-puddling]] behaviour is restricted to the males, and studies have suggested that the nutrients collected are provided as a nuptial gift along with the spermatophore during mating.<ref>Molleman Freerk, Grunsven Roy H. A., Liefting Maartje, Zwaan Bas J., Brakefield Paul M. (2005) Is male puddling behaviour of tropical butterflies targeted at sodium for nuptial gifts or activity? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 86, (3):345-361</ref>
Butterflies sense the air for scents, wind and nectar using their antennae. The antennae come in various shapes and colours. The hesperids have a pointed angle or hook to the antennae, while most other families show knobbed antennae. The antennae are richly covered with sensillae. A butterfly's sense of [[taste]] is coordinated by chemoreceptors on the [[Arthropod leg#Insects|tarsi]], which work only on contact, and are used to determine whether an egg-laying insect's offspring will be able to feed on a leaf before eggs are laid on it.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-butterfly.html |title=Article on San Diego Zoo website |publisher=Sandiegozoo.org |date= |accessdate=2009-03-30}}</ref> Many butterflies use chemical signals, [[pheromones]], and specialized scent scales (androconia) and other structures (coremata or 'Hair pencils' in the Danaidae) are developed in some species.
पङ्क्ति १५२:
{{Main|Lepidoptera migration}}
:''See also [[Insect migration]]''
Many butterflies migrate over long distances. Particularly famous migrations are those of the [[Monarch butterfly]] from [[Mexico]] to northern [[संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका|USA]] and southern [[Canada]], a distance of about 4000 to 4800&nbsp;km (2500–3000 miles). Other well known migratory species include the [[Vanessa cardui|Painted Lady]] and several of the [[Danainae|Danaine]] butterflies. Spectacular and large scale migrations associated with the [[Monsoons]] are seen in peninsular [[भारत|India]].<ref>Williams, C. B. 1927 A study of butterfly migration in south India and Ceylon, based largely on records by Messrs. G Evershed, E.E.Green, J.C.F. Fryer and W. Ormiston. Trans. Ent. Soc. London 75:1-33</ref> Migrations have been studied in more recent times using wing tags and also using stable hydrogen isotopes.<ref>Urquhart, F. A. & N. R. Urquhart. 1977. Overwintering areas and migratory routes of the Monarch butterfly (''Danaus p. plexippus'', Lepidoptera: Danaidae) in North America, with special reference to the western population. Can. Ent. 109: 1583-1589</ref><ref>Wassenaar L.I., Hobson K.A. 1998. Natal origins of migratory monarch butterflies at wintering colonies in Mexico: new isotopic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95(26):15436-9. [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/95/26/15436 Full text PNAS.org]</ref>
Butterflies have been shown to navigate using time compensated sun compasses. They can see polarized light and therefore orient even in cloudy conditions. The polarized light in the region close to the ultraviolet spectrum is suggested to be particularly important.<ref>Ivo Sauman, Adriana D. Briscoe, Haisun Zhu, Dingding Shi, Oren Froy, Julia Stalleicken, Quan Yuan, Amy Casselman, and Steven M. Reppert (2005) Connecting the Navigational Clock to Sun Compass Input in Monarch Butterfly Brain. Neuron. 46:457-467 [http://www.neuron.org/content/article/abstract?uid=PIIS0896627305002369 Neuron.org]</ref>
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