"ब्याटम्यान" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति ८:
[[File:Bruce Wayne Concept Art.png|thumb|300px|डिसी कमिक्स ब्रुस वेनको को कल्पना चित्र]]
ब्याटम्यानको गोप्य पहिचान एक धनी अमेरिकी उद्योगी ब्रुस वेन हुन्। बालक हुँदा, उनको आफ्नो आमाबुबा [[थोमस वेन|डक्टर थोमस वेन]] र [[मार्था वेन]] को हत्या उनकै आँखा अगाडि भएको थियो। त्यसैले आफ्नो जस्तो नियति अरुले भोगुनु नपरोस् र अपराध विरुद्ध न्यायको खोजी गर्न ब्रुस वेन ब्याटम्यान बने। उनी गोथम सहरमा रहेको आफ्नो निवास [[वेन मेनर]] मा बस्छन्। आफ्नो पारिवारिक पैतृक सम्पत्ति र वेन इन्टरप्राइजको नाफाबाट एक ऐयासी देखावटी जीवन बिताएर ब्रुस आफ्नो ब्याटम्यान रुपी अनुहार लुकाउने गर्छन्। <ref>[[Dennis O'Neil]], ''Batman: Knightfall''. 1994, [[Bantam Books]]. {{ISBN|978-0-553-09673-6}}</ref><ref>{{harvp|Daniels|1999}}{{Page needed|date=July 2016}}</ref> उनले वेन फाउन्डेसन मार्फत परोपकारको काम पनि गर्छन्, जस अनुसार अपराधका पिडितलाई सहायता पुर्याइन्छ।<ref>{{harvp|Pearson|Uricchio|1991|p=202}}</ref> सार्वजनिक रुपमा, उनी कहिलेकाही उच्च वर्गको पार्टीमा देखिन्छन्।<ref>{{cite web |last1=Lewis |first1=Andrew |title=Batman: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bruce Wayne |url=https://screenrant.com/bruce-wayne-batman-trivia-facts/ |website=ScreenRant |date=January 3, 2017 |access-date=2 December 2021}}</ref> ब्रुस वेन एक सकृय ऐयासी जीवन बिताएको देखिए पनी, उनले आफ्नो अधिकांश समय ब्याटम्यानको रुपमा भिजितान्ते गतिविधिमा बिताउँछन्। <ref name="Inc0">{{cite comic|writer = [[Grant Morrison|Morrison, Grant]]|title = [[Batman Incorporated]]|volume = 2|issue = #0|date = September 2012|publisher = DC Comics}}</ref>
धेरै आधुनिक कथाहरूमा ब्रुस वेनको खर्चालु र ऐयासी छविलाई देखावटी मुहारको रुपमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ।<ref>Scott Beatty, ''The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual''. 2005, Quirk Books, p51. {{ISBN|978-1-59474-023-7}}</ref> Thisयस isविपरित in contrast to the Post-''Crisisक्राइसिस'' Superman,सुपरम्यान whoseमा [[Clarkक्लार्क Kentकेन्ट]] personaवास्तविक isपरिचान theहो trueभने identity,सुपरम्यान whileदेखावटी the Superman persona is the facade.हो।<ref>Aichele, G. (1997). "Rewriting Superman" in G. Aichele & T. Pippin (eds.), ''The Monstrous and the Unspeakable: The Bible as Fantastic Literature'', pp. 75–101. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.</ref><ref>''Superman'' vol. 2 #53</ref> Inटेलिभिजन डकुमेन्ट्री ''Batmanब्याटम्यान Unmaskedअनमाक्स्ड'',मा aब्याटम्यानको televisionव्यक्तित्व documentaryब्रुस aboutवेन theपरिवारको psychologyपैतृक ofमानवताबाट theप्रेरित character,भएको behavioral scientist [[Benjamin Karney]] notes that Batman's personality is driven by Bruce Wayne'sउल्लेख inherentगरेका humanityछन्।; that "Batman, for all its benefits and for all of the time Bruce Wayne devotes to it, is ultimately a tool for Bruce Wayne's efforts to make the world better". Bruce Wayne's principles include the desire to prevent future harm and a vow not to kill. Bruce Wayne believes that our actions define us, we fail for a reason and anything is possible.<ref>{{cite web |title=Holy Wisdom, Batman!: 24 Most Famous Batman Quotes |url=https://brightdrops.com/batman-quotes |website=brightdrops.com |date=August 25, 2017 |access-date=May 13, 2019}}</ref>
Writers of Batman and Superman stories have often compared and contrasted the two. Interpretations vary depending on the writer, the story, and the timing. Grant Morrison<ref>{{cite news|last=Boucher|first=Geoff|title=Batman versus Superman as class warfare? Grant Morrison: 'Bruce has a butler, Clark has a boss'|url=http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2010/08/13/batman-versus-superman-as-class-warfare-bruce-has-a-butler-clark-has-a-boss/|newspaper=Los Angeles Times|date=August 13, 2010|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121015182152/http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2010/08/13/batman-versus-superman-as-class-warfare-bruce-has-a-butler-clark-has-a-boss/ |archive-date=October 15, 2012}}</ref> notes that both heroes "believe in the same kind of things" despite the day/night contrast their heroic roles display. He notes an equally stark contrast in their real identities. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent belong to different social classes: "Bruce has a butler, Clark has a boss." T. James Musler's book ''Unleashing the Superhero in Us All'' explores the extent to which Bruce Wayne's vast personal wealth is important in his life story, and the crucial role it plays in his efforts as Batman.<ref>T. James Musler. 2006. ''Unleashing the Superhero in Us All''.</ref>
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