"बाजीराव प्रथम" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति ४५:
|text= मेरो अवस्था गोहीले खुट्टा समातेको गजेन्द्र मोक्ष हातीको जस्तै छ। मेरो वीर जाती लोप हुने संघारमा छ। हे बाजीराव आएर मेरो उद्धार गर्नुहोस्।<ref>{{Cite book |last=Sardesai |first=Govind Sakharam |url=https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.32142/ |title=New History of the Marathas: The expansion of the Maratha power, 1707–1772 |date=1946 |publisher=Phoenix Publications |pages=106}}</ref>
}} In१७२९ March 1729मार्चमा, theपेसवाले Peshwaछत्रसालको respondedअनुरोधको toप्रतिक्रिया Chhatrasal'sदिए request and२५,००० marchedघोडसवार, towardsउनका Bundelkhandलेफ्टिनेन्ट withपिलाजी 25जाधव,000 horsemenतुकोजी andपावर, hisनरो lieutenantsशङ्करजी Pilaji Jadhav,दावलजी Tukojiसोम्वान्सीको Pawar,साथ [[Naroबिन्देलखन्ड Shankarajiतर्फ Gandekar|Naroकुच Shankar]],गरे। andछत्रसाल Davaljiबन्दी Somwanshi.हुनबाट Chhatrasalजोगिए escaped captureमराठा andसेनासँग joinedजोडिए। theत्यसपछि Marathaसेनाको forceआकार ७०,००० increasing it to 70,000भयो। men.<ref name="phoenix">{{Cite book |last=Sardesai |first=Govind Sakharam |url=https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.32142/ |title=New History of the Marathas: The expansion of the Maratha power, 1707–1772 |date=1946 |publisher=Phoenix Publications |pages=106–108}}</ref> After marching to [[Jaitpur State|Jaitpur]], Baji Rao's forces surrounded Bangash and cut his supply and communication lines. Bangash launched a counterattack against Baji Rao, but could not pierce his defences. Qaim Khan, son of Muhammad Khan Bangash, learned of his father's predicament and approached with fresh troops. His army was attacked by Baji Rao's forces, and he was defeated. Bangash was later forced to leave, signing an agreement that "he would never attack Bundelkhand again".<ref name="phoenix"/> Chhatrasal's position as ruler of Bundelkhand was restored. He granted a large [[jagir]] to Baji Rao, and gave him his daughter Mastani. Before Chhatrasal's death in December 1731, he ceded one-third of his territories to the Marathas.<ref name="GSC_2005"/>
==मृत्यु ==