"आर्थिक मन्दी" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति ८:
=== १८३७ को महामन्दी ===
Thisयो depressionमन्दीको isअसर acknowledged१९३० toको beमहामन्दीको aभन्दा worseपनि Greatनराम्रो Depressionथियो। than the later Great Depression of the 1930s.<ref>{{cite journal|title=The Social History of an American Depression, 1837-1843|journal=The American Historical Review|volume=40|issue=4|pages=662–687|date=1 July 1935|jstor = 1842418|last1 = Rezneck|first1 = Samuel|doi=10.2307/1842418}}</ref> Thisयो greatमहामन्दी depressionक्यालिफोर्नियाको endedसुनको inहोड theपछि Unitedसकियो States dueअमेरिकी toसुन theभण्डारमा Californiaदस Goldगुणा Rushबढी andसुन itsथपियो। ten-timesअधिकांश additionमन्दी toपछि the United States' gold reserves. As with most great depressionsजस्तै, itयो wasमन्दी followedपछि byपनि aअर्थतन्त्रमा thirty-yearउछाल periodआयो। ofयो aतीस boomingभर्षको economyअवधिलाई inदोस्रो theऔद्योगिक Unitedक्रान्ति States, which is now called the [[Second Industrial Revolution]] (of the 1850s).भनिन्छ।
=== १८३७ को त्रासदी ===
"https://ne.wikipedia.org/wiki/आर्थिक_मन्दी" बाट अनुप्रेषित