"भटिण्डा जिल्ला" का संशोधनहरू बिचको अन्तर

पङ्क्ति ८८:
{{bar percent|[[ईसाई धर्म]]|#9955BB|0.18}}
{{bar percent|अरु|#9955BB|0.53}}}}
२०११ को जनगणना अनुसार भटिंडा जिल्लाको जनसंख्या १,३८८,५२५ छ,<ref name=districtcensus>{{cite web | url = http://www.census2011.co.in/district.php | title = District Census 2011 | access-date = 30 September 2011 | year = 2011 | publisher = Census2011.co.in}}</ref>लगभग स्वाजील्याण्ड []] वा अमेरिकी राज्य हवाई को राष्ट्र बराबर छ।<ref name="cia">{{cite web | author = US Directorate of Intelligence | title = Country Comparison:Population | url = https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html | access-date = 1 October 2011 | quote = Swaziland 1,370,424
}}</ref>वा अमेरिकी राज्य हवाई को राष्ट्र बराबर छ।<ref name="cia">{{cite web | author = US Directorate of Intelligence | title = Country Comparison:Population | url = https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html | access-date = 1 October 2011 | quote = Swaziland 1,370,424
}}</ref> or the US state of [[Hawaii]].<ref>{{cite web