नेपालको समसामयीक विषय तथा नेपालबारे विकिपेडियामा प‍काशित सामाग्रीहरुको बारेमा Discussion Board Create गरिएको छ ।

while comparing the older versions of नेपाल with current version I found something nasty like this :

  • somebody posted a url of a website in the news section http://merosansar.com.np which is a romanised version of मेरो संसार.

Website address are fixed and they should not be translated.

  • The original meaning is not fulfilled by the translated version.

Still users who want to advertise their websites have posted such links in Nepali wiki.. I have tried to keep a dispute ... It is there for so many days and no body has replied or claimed anything about the authenticity of those websites or about the presence of their websites inside Nepal section of wiki.

  • If we continue keeping all the links wiki will just be a collecion of links. I prefer KISS keep it simple stupid. Rather than a jumble of collections of links .

I believe there are several other issues .. Wiki has become an unmanaged collection of texts.. So if we don't watch such activities this wiki is going to be worse.

-- Regards Rajesh

  • Further when I searched , I found that both the websites are not News websites, they are kept inside news section (समाचार section) of नेपाल. and both of them are blog websites. It is clearly written in the banner of merosansar and mysansar. A blog user might have added the link into wiki.

Thanks Keshav for uploading the nice new images, however the use of such images may lead to disputes. Since The Government of Nepal has not made any decision upon using a specific logo for , deleting old images , the old image "coat of arms " can't be deleted for now. Since Wikipedia needs to be neutral we should not be involved in disputing issues. The articles here are written prior to all the movements. New movements are on the way and the issues have not been settled. So until then we will keep the old version of our Nepal. When the official announcements are made, we will revise our pages then. Till then it would be nice to keep the page as it is. If you insist on changing please write in discussion page.

भाषा प्रयोगको बारेमा सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

  • यो वेबसाइटमा नेपाली भाषा लेख्नको लागि देवनागरी लिपिलाई एन्एबल्ड गरिएको छ। कृपया नेपालीमा नै वार्तालाप गर्नु होला। नेपाली विकिपीडियामा देवनागरीमा लेख्ने साधन उपलब्ध भैसकेपछि पनि नेपाली भाषामा वार्तालाप नगर्नु (मेरो विचारमा) नेपाली भाषालाई तिरस्कार गर्नु हो। धन्यवाद। --युकेश 17:37, 24 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

जवाफ:भाषा प्रयोग सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

  • यस वेवसाइटमा रोमनाइज्ड देवनागरी लिपि मात्र प्रयोग गरीएको छ जुन मेरो लागी एकदमै गाह्रो हुन्छ। Romanised भन्दा Traditional लिपी पुरानो प्रीती फन्टमा आधारीत, राम्रो र बैज्ञानिक पनि छ। म आफ्नो इच्छाले जहाँ पनि नेपाली र अंग्रेजी लेख्न मनपराउछु । अर्काले पहीलेनै नेपालीमा जबर्जस्ती नेपालीमा लेख्न लगाएको मन पर्दैन । विकी edit गर्दा html tags हरु बढी लेख्नुपर्छ। यो साधन सिकारुहरुलाइ बढि सजिलो होला जसको कम्प्युटरमा युनिकोड हुदैन । यसमा धेरैजसो कुराहरु अझैपनि अंग्रेजीमै छन् । र रह्यो कुरा भाषा प्रयोगको वारेमा : आफ्नो आफ्नो विचार हो, छनौट हो । म यहाँ हालै केशव जी ले गरेको परिवर्तनको वारेमा कुरा गरीरहेको थिए र त्यो कुरा सुन्नेमा जोश पनि यौटा हो । जोश अं‍ग्रेजी बढी बुझ्छ । परिस्थितिअनुसार प्रयोग गरीएको कुरालाइ अन्यथा नबनाउनुहोला । नेपाली माया नभएको भए म यसरी फाल्तु काम गरेर बस्ने थिइन होला ।

पुनश्च: माथिका कुराहरु नितान्त निजी हुन् । विकी सम्वन्धि हैनन्। यो कुरामा अब यहाँ (off topic )छलफल नगर्नुहोला । --- धन्यबाद --राजेश 19:14, 24 डिसेम्बर 2006 (UTC)

"नेपाल/आर्काइभ" पृष्ठमा फर्कनुहोस्।