थारु चलचित्र पायल - Tharu Film Payal

थारु चलचित्र 'पायल' थारु समुदायको सांस्कृतिक चलचित्र हो | यो चलचित्र २०६८ सालमा निर्माण भएको थियो | यसको छायांकन बिराटनगर, दुहबी, सोनापुर, कंचनबारी, इटहरी क्षेत्रमा छायांकन भएको थियो | हुदुवा खबासको लेखन र सागर केरुङको निर्देशन रहेको चलचित्रमा राज थारु, बबिता फोम्बो, बिक्रम थारु लगायतले अभिनय गरेका छन् | भानु भट्टराईको छायांकन सम्पादन रहेको चलचित्रमा बिरु खवासको शब्द संगीत रहेको छ |

Tharu movie 'Payal' is a cultural movie of the Tharu community. This movie was made in 2068 BS. Its cinematography was shot in Biratnagar, Duhabi, Sonapur, Kanchanbari, Itahari areas. The movie is written by Huduwa Khabas and directed by Sagar Kerung. Raj Tharu, Babita Fombo, Bikram Tharu and others have acted in the movie. The movie is cinematographed and edited by Bhanu Bhattarai and the music is composed by Biru Khabas.